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Mrs. Margo Meijerink
Senior Advisor Dairy
Zwartewaterallee 14
8031 DX Zwolle
Phone: +31888886666
Phone (2): +31651797771
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Logo LTO Noord

LTO represents the interests of farmer members having close contact to about 14,000 dairy farmers in the Netherlands – a major part of them is managing grasslands. LTO strengthens the economic and societal position of its members by collectively protecting the interests of the farmers, reinforcing entrepreneurship and market position and upholding a good quality image. LTO represents the interests of its farmers aiming at combining profitability with ecological and societal demands. For LTO it is an asset to combine the three ”P’s” at farm level: Planet, People and Profit.
LTO represents the interests of their members at national and international level.
For example: at national level LTO is founder of ZuivelNL (www.zuivelnl.org).
The mission of ZuivelNL is to strengthen the Dutch dairy chain in a way that respects the environment and society. ZuivelNL finances for example applied research including dissemination of knowledge to farmers, in projects like:
 · Practical implementation of Annual Nutrient Cycle Assessment (ANCA) for all dairy farmers (www.dekringloopwijzer.nl)
 · Stichting Weidegang (www.stichtingweidegang.nl) transferring knowledge of   grazing to dairy farmers,
 · Committee for fertilizing Grass and fodder crops (www.bemestingsadvies.nl)
 · Amazing Grazing (www.amazinggrazing.eu)
 · digital knowledge transfer by handbooks.
LTO is partner in the Inno4Grass proposal because of its unique position next to the farmers. LTO keeps a close link to its members and moreover has in-depth experience in a lot of projects with different partners, where LTO’s goal has always been: working bottom up and never leaving the farmers interest out of sight!