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Julien Fradin
Institut de l’élevage
Chef de projets du Service Fourrages et Pastoralisme
Site de Clermont-Ferrand / Aubière
Tel : + 33 (0)4 43 76 06 85
Portable : +33 (0)6 28 98 39 78
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Logo Idele

The mandate of the French Livestock Institute is to generate knowledge for the competitiveness of herbivore farming and its value chains. As a technical agricultural institute (ITA), it is the national technical reference and normative body in livestock farming systems. It is a non-profit, non-governmental organization featuring management by livestock farmers’ federations and trade unions. The core activity stands in innovation development and technical support towards livestock professionals (farmers, breeders, industrialists) and their organizations. This encompasses applied research, technical assistance and technology transfer in cattle, sheep, goats and horses husbandry sciences. Besides, key activities reside in permanent institutional and technical support to the French Ministry of Agriculture in livestock policy making and organization of national level through public service delegation. On the “applied research side” French Livestock Institute leads several networks of professional experimental farms devoted to herbivore production, and is closely linked with fundamental research units of the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INRA) through so-called Joint Technological Units. On the “development side”, it is linked with the French Chamber of Agriculture and its association (APCA) through the leadership of the so-called Livestock Farms Network (www.idele.fr).

Third Parties of IDELE under ARTICLE 14 — IMPLEMENTATION OF ACTION TASKS BY LINKED THIRDPARTIES- OF THE MULTI-BENEFICIARY GENERAL MODEL GRANT AGREEMENT As network leader for animal and plant supply chains, ACTA federates 14 ITA. The ITAs represent the applied research level of the French agricultural research and development system. ACTA and the ITAs were created and are still directed by the farmers themselves. They are aimed to meet the farmers’ expectations in term of research in order to give them directly applicable results. Each ITA is specialized in one or few production area(s) whereas ACTA carries on research on transversal and cross cutting innovative themes. Those institutes provide an interface between farmer needs and academic research. The Institutes are also a strong technical support for the actors of the different production sectors and carry out research on behalf of farmers’ groups. ACTA is involved in several European projects such as AGFORWARD, VALERIE and AGRISPIN. (www.acta.asso.fr).