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Mrs. Anna Carlsson

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SE-30577 Getinge

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Webpage: www.svenskavall.se

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Svenska Vallföreningen (SV, www.svenskavall.se) is a farmer-based (approx. 80 %) non-profit and non-governmental association with approx. 2,300 members that in addition to farmers consists of advisors, researchers, and industry and governmental representatives. The association strives for the profitable production and use of grass, forage crops and pasture taking a northern perspective. SV also acts to improve the economic and political situation of grassland farmers, influence and support advisory services, and influence research priorities and strengthen the research budget in forage production. SV is a member of the European Grassland Federation (EGF, www.europeangrassland.org/) and plays an important role in bridging the divide between academia and industry. As an important platform for communicating research findings, innovations and experiences, and identifying important knowledge gaps, SV works closely with farmers and other stakeholders taking a multi-actor approach when organising seminars, farm/field/stable walks, open days, demonstration of field research etc. Through its sixteen local grassland associations, large climatic differences are represented. Seven issues of Swedish Grassland Magazine are produced and distributed annually (see below). SV is one of the organisers of the Swedish Grass Silage Award, established in 2002 (see below). SV also acts as a referral body to the government and the Swedish Board of Agriculture with regard to e.g. the Common Agriculture Policy. Participation in international meetings and networks reinforces its extensive national and international influence.