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Dr. Michael O'Donovan
Head of Grassland Science

IE Fermoy Co. Cork

Phone: +3532542395
Phone (2): +353876865349
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Webpage: www.teagasc.ie

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Teagasc is the Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority. Its mission is to support science-based innovation in the agri-food sector and wider bio-economy that will underpin profitability, competitiveness and sustainability. Teagasc is the leading national organisation in the fields of agriculture and food research in Ireland. Teagasc employs circa 1,100 staff throughout Ireland at 52 locations including 6 research centres. Moorepark Animal & Grassland Research and Innovation Centre has played a vital role in the development of the Irish dairy industry. Established in 1959 it carries national responsibility for all aspects of dairy production research and specialises in pasture based systems of milk production. Moorepark operates a total of 7 individual dairy research farms totalling 500 hectares with over 1000 dairy cows. Facilitates include modern individual cow feed and metabolism units, laboratories, computer facilities and milking research laboratories. It has developed close alliances with research, advisory and training agencies throughout the world and is continuously seeking to expand international contacts. The Teagasc mission is to support science-based innovation in the agri-food sector and broader bio economy so as to underpin profitability, competitiveness, and sustainability. It facilitates the exchange of knowledge between farmers, advisors, researchers, educators and industry. Teagasc has access to a large network of farmers, industry and academic partners in Ireland and internationally. Teagasc is the Irish national body providing extension, advisory and education services to farmers. It has 8 farmer training colleges and local training centres providing education services to farmers and the knowledge transfer advisory programme is delivered by over 250 advisers in 12 Regional Advisory Areas throughout Ireland.