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Task 2.2 Performing interviews to seek for new grassland innovations (M1 - M12)
Task-lead: APCA in collaboration with GLZ, Teagasc, RHEA, IDELE, LWK, UGOE, TRAME, AWE, AERES, SLU, LTO, CNR, PULS, WIR, SV, AIA, LRC, CRAN, CRAPDL, CRACVL & CA VosgesSurveys

will be organised by face-to-face interviews of innovative farmers selected in Task 2.1. These surveys will aim at collecting information on innovative practices while replacing them into coherent farming systems. Innovations adapted to different farm types will be identified. The objective is also to identify farmer’s expectations and needs. Interviews will be carried out during one visit of about half a day (one-hour interview completed by one to one discussions and visits).They will collect information by a standardised questionnaire on structure parameters and by open questions on general functioning and innovations of the farm. In addition to these interviews, an email questionnaire will be sent to members of Farmer’s Unions and Livestock Breeder associations in the eight partner countries. Questions will focus on the identification and description of innovations. In addition to farmers’ interviews, grassland innovations will be identified by interviews of experienced advisors and surveys of representatives of feed, dairy and meat industries, food retailers and consumer associations (see page 24 of Part B). The latter groups are important to get insight in the impact in the complete chain and interviews will be organised for collecting their knowledge, identifying their needs, understanding their constraints, in order to better understand their expectations and concerns regarding grassland productivity and management. Finally, the experience of the members of the advisory board of the project will be collected through interviews and discussions.

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