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Task 3.1 Analysis of brokering systems related to grasslands (M1 – M12)
Task-lead: PULS in collaboration with GLZ, Teagasc, WLR, RHEA, IDELE, APCA, LWK, TRAME, AWE, SLU, LTO, CNR & WIR

Innovation is the adoption of a novelty . Innovation brokers can manage the steps to be taken and initiate the corresponding network partners that are necessary to bring an innovation to the market. To create a flow of innovation, innovation brokers are pivotal. An inventory and evaluation of existing structures fostering innovation management and brokering will enable building a European innovation space for grassland-based farming, extending and connecting existing structures. This task analyses across Europe the innovation brokering systems that are active on grassland or have the potential to be active on grassland, to better understand how they can be a lever to better disseminate innovative practices and systems. These are the brokering systems that will be promoted in the project and will be available beyond the end of the project.

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