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Task 3.2 Identifying and analysing drivers and barriers for innovation (M6 – M18)
Task-lead: SV in collaboration with GLZ, Teagasc, WLR, IDELE, APCA, LWK, UGOE, TRAME, AWE, SLU, CNR, PULS & WIR

In this task, the attitude of farmers towards innovations in grasslands will be studied using the experiences of the case studies of WP2. Case studies are important in this task since they demonstrate the usefulness and applicability of the innovations. The case studies of each country will therefore be followed with respect to drivers for innovation and barriers to innovation. Furthermore, a questionnaire for farmers and advisors will be issued and translated in the seven different languages of the consortium and sent to at least 800 persons to obtain insight in potential drivers and barriers, irrespective of the case studies. The results will be used in the meetings of practitioners and researchers in Task 3.4.

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