Task 2.5 Analysing and synthesising information (M6 – M32)
Task-lead: CNR in collaboration with GLZ, Teagasc, RHEA, IDELE, APCA, LWK, UGOE, TRAME, AWE, AERES, SLU, LTO, PULS, WIR, SV, AIA & LRC

Task 2.5 will continuously analyse and synthesise the new and novel ideas collected in farm surveys, case studies, and on internet (Tasks 2.2 to 2.4). It will be led by agronomists, technicians and scientists, who have experience and knowledge for detecting innovations, sorting, interpreting, verifying and finally synthesising the large amount of information. Farmers will be involved in this task to ensure maximum impact and to ensure the ideas are practical associated with document Ref. Ares(2016)5554549 - 26/09/2016 and have deliverables at farm level. Task 2.5 will deliver 48 technical leaflets (6 per country) with a synthesis of each innovative practice, system and videos. Videos clips will be either farm portraits emphasising their innovations or presentations of innovations. On average 6 farm videos and 7 innovation videos will be produced per partner country (13 per country, 104 in total). They will be designed for grassland farmer’s use .The best ones will be sub-titled in English in order to make them understandable by farmer’s advisors in all countries (WP4). The information that was dispersed in individual farms and collected in Tasks 2.2 to 2.4 will thus be organised and acquire an added value that can be worthwhile for a large group of farms. This material will be forwarded to and enriched by discussion groups between farmers and research in WP3. The final outputs and all material will be placed on national Wikimedia sites, translated in English and transferred to WP4. They will be actively disseminated in WP5.

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