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Events Calendar

P&S meeting, Sweden, SLU
From Tuesday 07 February 2017
To Wednesday 08 February 2017
Hits : 10128
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Contact Nilla Nilsdotter-Linde

Forage Conference 2017. Grass production and conservation, and forage utilisation in ruminants and horses. The production and nutritive value of different species, varieties and mixed swards are reported, as are persistence and different grazing, harvesting and fertilisation strategies in a changing climate. The economic and environmental values of forage production are discussed, as are new methods in precision farming and estimation of grass consumption. Major emphasis is placed on horses as grazing animals and forage consumers. Good examples are given of how farmers can streamline their grass production, with inspiration from prizewinning forage producers and using the advisory tool Grovfoderverktyget. Farmers, advisors, teachers, researchers, students and agri-business delegates.

Language: Swedish

Location Uppsala (Uppland)

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