Mrs. Nilla Nilsdotter-Linde
Senior researcher

Box 7043
SE-750 07 Uppsala

Phone: +4618671431
Phone (2): +46706627405


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The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, SLU) was formed in 1977 and is the only agricultural and veterinary university in Sweden. SLU is ranked by the Times Higher Education as the sixth best in the world among the smaller universities. A comprehensive viewpoint, inter-disciplinary approach and applicability are keywords in SLU’s research and teaching and in its contacts with industry and society. The university has locations all over Sweden, facilitating effective collaboration with trade and industry as well as providing seats of learning in the regions. Basic research is often conducted at the very highest international level. Many fields also have specific practical applications, both in agriculture and forestry and in people’s everyday lives. A total of ca. 2,900 people are employed at SLU and its annual turnover is ca. EUR 335 million. SLU offers a broad spectrum of bachelor’s and master’s programmes. About 3,800 undergraduates and 700 postgraduate students are enrolled at SLU. The main interests of the participating SLU Department of Crop Production Ecology include research, consultancy and teaching within two major areas: cropping systems ecology and the functional ecology of crops, weeds and pests to improve productivity and sustainability. Expertise in various disciplines (soil science, ecology, plant physiology, statistics, meteorology, computer simulation) is integrated to address these research tasks. The department is commissioned to conduct the official variety testing of forage, potato and cereal crops in Sweden. It is in charge of the Ekhaga research station, which offers excellent facilities for field experimentation in organic farming. Much of the research and teaching is carried out in cooperation with colleagues throughout Europe. The department also hosts the Centre for Organic Food and Farming (EPOK), which is a cooperative body for researchers, departments and faculties at SLU as well as other universities and external stakeholders, with the mission of integrating and initiating research and education and communicating research on organic production and consumption. The department has been involved in a range of projects concerning grassland, e.g. Legsil, SweetGrass, COST 852 and Legume Futures.

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