Mr. Xavier Delmon
General Manager

Rue de Liège 83
4357 Limont

Phone: +3219546051
Phone (2): +32495779396


Logo Trme

Tr@me is a cooperative company with limited liability established since 4 November 2002. It specializes in the implementation, coordination and facilitation of participatory processes and development networks of actors. It provides technical assistance specialty in areas related to rural development, regional development and integrated services to communities, economic agents, associations and institutions. The special feature of Tr@me is to intervene at different phases of a project: project structuring, create partnerships, to ensure the feasibility and develop the development strategy, support the implementation of the actions put in place mobilization tools, communication and capitalization, assessment with adapted methodological support and animation techniques, from diagnosis to master plan and project files. Tr@me is contracted by the Wallonia (Belgium) to run the Walloon Rural Development Network Support Unit (EAFRD - Web site: and provides a central communication platform and interface (resource centre) for exchange of knowledge, good practices between farmers, researchers, politics and rural stakeholders. Tr@me has been selected three times by the Walloon Region for this type of mission: the implementation of the mission of the Walloon Network Animation Unit Leader + (2000-2006) and implementation of the mission of Walloon Rural Development Network Support Unit (first phase (2009-2011) and second phase (2012/2014)). In 2015, Tr@me has been once again confirmed for animating the Rural Development Network as well to relay the EIP-AGRI in Wallonia. In this context Tr@me has a wide network of partners and an excellent knowledge of agricultural and rural sectors and its issues in Wallonia and EU. As part of these activities, Tr@me regulary collaborates with research organizations (agronomic research centre and universities) through the Scientific Support Committee, original arrangements put in place to encourage collaboration among practitioners and researchers in a bottom-up approach. In this context, Tr@me to lead with several Walloon partners (research centres, universities, professional agricultural organizations, etc.) a study entitled "The Walloon dairy farm of tomorrow: the point of view of the farmers to the proposal of research ". The overall objective of the study is to explore the evolutionary pathways through dairy farmers interviews to cope with the change of their production environment. Also in this context Tr@me is active on the theme of innovation in agriculture and rural development in line with the dynamics European Innovation Partnerships (EIP) set up by the EU. The different areas of Tr@me expertise are: participative approach, collective intelligence, crowdsourcing, agricultural and rural extension, land management, planning and renovation, rural development and entrepreneurship, tourism, mobility, multi-functional agriculture, agro-forestry, eco-systemic services, biodiversity, short-circuit food services, biomass based energy and renewable energy, waste management, social and employment local policy, transcommunality and prospective/ long-term forecast. Our customers are Regions and local governments, non-governmental organizations and private companies. We are involved in an Economic Interest Grouping combining a large panel of specialized partners. We are often working on projects funded by the European Structural Funds. The organization holds a wide-ranging national and European network with relevant organizations which are concerned with rural development and agriculture.

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