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Mr. Grzegorz Wysocki
Director of the Office Wielkopolska Chamber of Agriculture

Golęcińska 9
60-626 Poznań

Phone: +48612270130
Fax: +48612270131
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Webpage: www.wir.org.pl

Logo WIR


Wielkopolska Chamber of Agriculture was set up in 1996. It is the institution of professional autonomy of farmers. The organisation acts in favor of solving problems regarding to agriculture and represents the interests of its members. WIR influences the shape of agricultural policy by giving opinion to drafts of legal acts. Furthermore, WIR gives farmers free legal advice and provides other specialist consultancy services e.g. in the area of financial suport for farmers form national and EU founds. WIR also analyses costs of agricultural raw materials and performs calculations of production profitability. Moreover WIR takes care of internal integration of local rural communites and knowledge exchange by organizing or co-organizing competitions, agricultural forums, harvest home festivals, trainings, workshops, conferences and other events at the province and local level.