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Dr. Agnes van den Pol-van Dasselaar
Senior specialist

Visiting address: De Elst 1
P.O. Box 338
6700 AH Wageningen
The Netherlands

Tel.: +31 317480735
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Webpage: www.wur.nl/livestockresearch



Logo WR

Wageningen Livestock Research (WR) is part of Wageningen University & Research Centre and is the main centre for research and development with respect to animal husbandry in the Netherlands. It combines expertise in different areas of technology with social sciences, in an integral interdisciplinary approach to develop sustainable production systems. WR carries out fundamental and applied research in the fields of animal production and food safety, grass and forage systems, nutrition, breeding, systems innovations, economy, ecosystem services, environment, welfare and health of farm animals.

WR has well established infrastructures and resources to cooperate with the wider farming community and to promote awareness in the wider farming community. It has its own research farms, including the Dairy Campus with 550 dairy cows, and numerous experimental fields related to grass and forages.

WR serves a large network of farmers and advisors, who are reached by farm walks, demonstration activities and network meetings. At the policy level WR is in close contact with policy makers. It also maintains several newsletters, including a special one for the policy community (www.kennisonline.wur.nl) and a special one for farmers and advisors (www.verantwoordeveehouderij.nl). During the last decade, WR carried out numerous participatory projects with farmers and advisors. Co-creation has been a key theme in those projects.