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Task 4.3 Enriching Encyclopedia pratensis (M7-M36)
Task-lead: INRA in collaboration with GLZ, Teagasc, IDELE, LWK, UGOE, TRAME, CAH, SLU, CNR, PULS, WIR, SV, AIA & LRC

Encyclopedia pratensis is a knowledge library that was developed in four languages as a production of the European Project Multisward. It is based upon a Wiki-media system. (http://appli.poitou-charentes.inra.fr/internet/e-learning/multisward_eng/doku.php). The Inno4Grass is offering a unique opportunity to enrich this resource with new knowledge gathered from farmer experiences and from discussions and interactions with researchers. The English version will be continuously enriched during the project with the new resources built from and for case study farms. This library will be implemented with

a. practices and systems of practices that make it possible to improve the economic and environmental performances of grasslands,
b. description of case studies,
c. results of cognitive mapping to identify new possibilities that could be tested on case study farms,
d. description and direct access to management and decision support systems (DSS) (task 4.4) for facilitating grassland management and increasing grassland production and economic and environmental performances of farms,
e. practice abstracts, videos, leaflets and PowerPoint presentations. Links between all these resources will be ensured by hypertext links. Moreover, a QR codes system will be implemented so that every user of a practice abstract or a leaflet can have access to all associated resources with a smartphone.

This will be extremely important when implementing these resources onto the EIP service point. This will create the capital to be disseminated and to be shared among countries. It will be a resource for dissemination action in WP5. It will also be linked to existing MOOCs (Massive Online Open Course), that are currently developed across Europe. Agreements will be implemented with electronic facilities dedicated to agroecology such as UVAE in French where modules on grasslands ecology exist and will be enriched with new knowledge on innovative practices and systems.


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