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Europe’s Most Innovative Grassland Farmers

Europe’s most innovative grassland farmers are set to receive international awards for their innovation and commitment to excellence in grassland. This initiative is part of the three-year Inno4Grass Thematic Network project, a €2 million project funded by Horizon 2020. The farmers receiving awards represent eight member states in Europe and are all excelling in grassland and grassland management despite differences in climate, systems and soil types. Each member state has recognised a farmer excelling in grassland through different competitions which took place in the member states.

The eight countries being celebrated at the Inno4Grass award ceremony are Germany, Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Sweden, in which grasslands have a considerable share in the agricultural area and where production of dairy, beef and sheep from grassland is of major economic importance.

It is important for all partners to participate in this event for the promotion of good practices in European livestock breeding. Project coordinator Arno Krause, general manager of the Centre for Grassland in Germany, remarked: “I’m looking forward to presenting innovative grassland farmers around Europe with awards for their fantastic achievements in grassland. We call these farmers ‘lighthouse farmers’, they are shining lights in their countries, providing other farmers with guidance, ideas and knowledge in grassland, so it is important that we recognise their contribution to society in the award ceremony. This is one of the major achievements of the Inno4Grass project.”

The Inno4Grass programme strives to bridge the gap between practice and science communities to ensure the implementation of innovative systems on productive grasslands. The long-term goal of the project is to increase profitability of European grassland farms and to preserve environmental values across Europe.


Niklas Bruns and Felicitas Kaemena

In Germany, the “Inno4Grass Award” recently went to the Bruns family from Biolandhof Butendiek in Seefeld, Lower Saxony. The farmers were honoured for their exemplary innovative spirit during the Grassland Day of the Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture in February 2019. Family member Niklas Bruns received the "Inno4Grass Award" on behalf of Felicitas Kaemena, head of the field research station for grassland and cattle farming at the Chamber of Agriculture. The Butendiek farm has been marketing its own cheese products in organic quality since 1987. This is based on 210 hectares of grassland and 180 cows. With the help of its own drying plant, high-quality hay is produced as basic fodder.
Photo: ©Wolfgang Ehrecke  http://www.hof-butendiek.de/




Denis and Eddie O´Donnell from IrelandThe father and son duo, Denis and Eddie O’Donnell are representing IRELAND at the award ceremony in Germany.  They are dairy farmers milking 316 cows on two farms. They consistently grow over 17 t of grass dry matter per hectare per year. Ireland’s Project Leader Michael O’Donovan commented: “The O’Donnell’s hosted a visit during the European Grassland Federation conference in 2018, which was received very well.”




De Rooij OriginalIn the Netherlands, Hielke and Hanny de Rooij from Wadenoijen were voted "Best grassland farmer of the Netherlands 2018". According to Agnes van den Pol, the Dutch project leader of Inno4Grass, it is because, despite a small house plot, they still get a lot of fresh grass and lots of protein from their own land for their cows. Or as Hielke and Hanny de Rooij themselves say: “Grass is simply a fantastic product. It is still considered as a bulk product, but with grass you can steer much more than many farmers think.”
Photo: ©Veeteelt




Jean Marie Velghe Jean-Marie Velghe is considered a pioneer of sustainable farming practices in BELGIUM. Notable examples for his efforts are developing no-till techniques, green manure, farmyard manure composting, herbaceous field margins, barn hay drying instead of grass silage, large forage self-sufficiency for cattle feeding and decreased pesticide and fertilizer use. The Velghe family is developing dairy product processing and marketing activities. In 2018, they won three prizes for their cheeses made from haymilk.




Mariusz DudaPoland will be represented by Mariusz Duda, who manages a 120-ha farm, with 45 hectares of grassland, which is the main source of cattle feed. Mariusz Duda was selected by 20 innovative Polish farmers participating in the Inno4Grass project. The innovation that distinguishes the winner, is a self-designed aerator for grassland on the peat soils with low porosity. With his broad agricultural knowledge and his knowledge of his own grassland habitat, the farmer puts modern technological solutions into practice, which directly affect the quantity and quality of the fodder obtained and the economic result of the farm.




Gavino Pulinas from ItalyGavino Pulinas from the Truvunittu farm, located in north-west Sardinia, will be the representative innovative farmer of ITALY at the Inno4Grass award ceremony. He breeds 560 dairy sheep in his 85-ha farm, where he replaced annual forage crops with improved permanent grasslands based on pasture legumes. Direct milk processing and cheese selling contribute to increase his farm sustainability. Gavino Pulinas is an excellent source of inspiration for farmers who intend to change a semi-intensive into an extensive farming system.




Béatrice and Dominique Bordeau Chamber of agriculture of MayenneBéatrice and Dominique Bordeau are representing FRANCE at the Inno4Grass award ceremony in Germany. Located in Mayenne in the western part of France, they are part of the "Bienvenue à la ferme" (Welcome to the farm) network. They breed Normande dairy cows in a wooded organic farm that has been in the family for three generations. They are known as very innovative farmers and have already received a European award for getting certified as a pedagogical farm in 2006.
Photo: © Chamber of agriculture of Mayenne




Per and Tore Larsson The father and son duo, Tore and Per Larsson, are representing SWEDEN at the award ceremony in Germany. On Kårtorp Farm with organic production, viable forage production has been in focus for many years, resulting in high-yielding leys and pastures with good profitability. The strategy is apparently simple: as good grass production as possible to optimize feed costs per kilo of milk. Approximately 13-15 forage samples are taken per year, both on fresh herbage and in silage to evaluate the effect of the seed mixture, to determine the cutting height and as a basis for feed optimization.



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About the project

Inno4Grass is the acronym for „Shared Innovation Space for Sustainable Productivity of Grasslands in Europe”, an international and multi-actor project gathering prominent farmers‘ organizations, extension services, education and research institutions from eight EU countries - Germany, Belgium, France, Irleand, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Sweden, in which grasslands have a considerable share in the agricultural area and where production of dairy, beef and sheep is of major economic imprortance.



The collaboration between farmers, advisors and scientists is insufficient in the countries concerned. For this reason the latest results of research are not sufficiently put into the practice and valuable knowledge related to grasslands is discovered by practitioners at a very late stage. In addition information about existing novelties introducing at farm level is not disseminated effectively to the public in all Member States.


Our goal

The overall objective of the project is to bridge the gap beteen practice and science communities to ensure the implementation of innovative systems on productive grasslands. The long term goal of the project is to increase profitability of European grassland farms and to preserve environmental values. The scope of Inno4Grass is fully in line with the outcomes of the EIP-AGRI Focus Group „Permanent Grasslands” that identified the need for innovations and the possible contributions of grasslands to economic performance and to sustainability of dairy, beef and sheep production in Europe.

Inno4Grass team


The project significantly contributes to the successful deployment of existing reservoir of scientific and practical knowledge and stimulate its exchange between the regions and countries. This will be achieved through: 

  • the establishment of Facilitator Agents network capturing novelties form innovative farms scrutinized via 85 case studies, discussing and synthesizing them in electronic farm networks
  • the arrangement plenty of meetings, interviews and face-to-face events in all participating countries
  • the creation of the project website linked to EIP - AGRI and the involvement of the consortium members at their national contact points
  • the prepariation of a large number of dissemination materials (innovation abstracts, video clips, leaflets, syllabus for agricultural students and advisors etc.)
  • the implementation of grassland visiting training programs
  • the creation of the database of scientific papers with the easy to use search engine (Grassland conference proceedings/paper search database)
  • the development of new innovative decission support systems and the demand driven research agenda
  • the enrichment of national and European Wikimedia and the Encyclopedia Pratensis


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Follow this link to the very first Inno4Grass newsletter!





The network of 59 organisations have committed themselves to support the project.



Member State

Organisations Endorsing the Inno4Grass Project



Farmer’s Union -United Federation of Groups of Livestock and Arable Farmers (www.fugea.be) Role in Inno4Grass: Identification of innovative farmers and best practices (BP) dissemination


FWA, Farmer’s Union (Walloon Federation for Agriculture) (www.fwa.be) Role in Inno4Grass: Identification of innovative farmers and best practices (BP) dissemination


Butchery ‘Côte à l’os’ (www.cotealos.com) Role in Inno4Grass: Development of a grass-fed meat quality label


Coferme scrl (dairy company) (http://bit.ly/1orUYNf) Role in Inno4Grass: Development of a grass-fed dairy product quality label


Higher Education Institution Condorcet, Agricultural Department (Hainaut) (www.condorcet.be) Role in Inno4Grass: Identification of innovative farmers, training outputs, BP dissemination


Higher Education Institution, Agricultural Department (Namur Province) (www.hepn.be/agronomie) Role in Inno4Grass: Identification of innovative farmers, training outputs, BP dissemination


Provincial Secondary School of Ciney, Agricultural Department (Namur Province) (www.saintquentin.be): Role in Inno4Grass: Training outputs, BP dissemination


Higher Education Institution, La Reid School, Agricultural Department (Liège Province) (www.provincedeliege.be/art161) Role in Inno4Grass: Identification of innovative farmers, training outputs, BP dissemination


Farmer’s Group: ‘Innovative Farms’ (www.coop-site.net/fermes-novatrices) Role in Inno4Grass: Identification of innovative farmers, BP dissemination


SlowFood Belgium, citizen associations (http://www.silly.be/ma-commune/citoyennete/qualite-de-vie/saveurs-de-silly) Role in Inno4Grass: Development of a grass-fed meat and dairy product quality label



The French Ministry of Agriculture, Agrifood and Forestry (www.agriculture.gouv.fr): Role in Inno4Grass: Training outputs, BP dissemination, innovation boost, definition of research agenda


French Seed Industry Interprofessional Organisation (GNIS) (www.gnis.fr) Role in Inno4Grass: BP dissemination for an improvement of sustainable productivity of grasslands


French Network for Innovative Research in Agriculture (ACTA) (www.acta.asso.fr) Role in Inno4Grass: Identification of innovative farmers, participatory research, open innovation methodology


Union Invivo (www.invivo-group.com) Role in Inno4Grass: Identification of innovative farmers, BP dissemination, training of advisors and farmers


French Association for Fodder Production (AFPF) (www.afpf-asso.fr) Role in Inno4Grass: BP dissemination and knowledge dissemination, national wikimedia, research agenda


Terrena Group (www.terrena.fr) Role in Inno4Grass: Identification of innovative farmers, BP dissemination, training of advisors and farmers, sustainable productivity of grasslands and economic performance



Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) (www.ble.de): Role in Inno4Grass: Linking the network to all federal states and all relevant 0perational Groups in Germany


Lower Saxonian Country Women's Association (www.Landfrauenwesermarsch.de) Role in Inno4Grass: BP dissemination and knowledge dissemination,


Lower Saxonian Farmers association (www.landvolk.net) Role in Inno4Grass: Identification of innovative farmers and innovation needs,BP dissemination and knowledge dissemination.


German Organisation for Nature Conservation (www.nabu.de); Role in Inno4Grass: Biodiversity in grasslands, sustainability indicators, research agenda


Ministry for Food, Agriculture of Lower Saxony (www.ml.niedersachsen.de/) Role in Inno4Grass: BP dissemination and knowledge dissemination, national wikimedia, research agenda


Ammerland dairy company (http://www.molkerei-ammerland.de/front-page) Role in Inno4Grass: Development of a grass-fed dairy product quality label


Lidl Foundation (www.lidl.de) Role in Inno4Grass: Development of a grass-fed dairy product quality label ; Fully addressing the value-add chain



Irish Grassland Association (www.irishgrassland.com) Role in Inno4Grass: BP dissemination, knowledge dissemination


Glanbia (www.glanbia.com) Role in Inno4Grass: Development of a grass-fed dairy product quality label


Grassland Agro (www.grasslandagro.ie) Role in Inno4Grass: BP dissemination


Germinal Seeds (www.germinalseeds.com) Role in Inno4Grass: BP dissemination


Goldcrop (www.goldcrop.ie) Role in Inno4Grass: Development of a grass-fed dairy product quality label



LAORE  - Sardinian Agency for Rural Development (http://www.regione.sardegna.it/ ) Role in Inno4Grass: Identification of innovative farmers, training of farmers and BP dissemination


Dipartimento Qualita Agroalimentare (DQA) based in Rome: Role in Inno4Grass: BP dissemination


Consorzio del Pecorino Toscano DOP based in Grosseto Role in Inno4Grass: Iidentification of innovative farmers and best practices dissemination


Consorzio per la Tutela del Pecorino di Filiano DOP based in Filiano Role in Inno4Grass: Identification of innovative farmers and best practices dissemination 


Gruppo di Azione Locale (GAL) Coros – Logudoro Goceano (Thiesi – Sardinia) (www.gallogudorogoceano.it/) Role in Inno4Grass: Identification of innovative farmers and best practices dissemination


Allevatori di Mores: Breeders cooperative association – Mores (Sardinia) (http://www.coopmores.net/) Role in Inno4Grass: Identification of innovative farmers and best practices dissemination


Comitato Promotore Agnello IGP del Centro Italia (www.agnellodelcentroitalia.it) Role in Inno4Grass: Identification of innovative farmers and development of a grass-fed meat product quality label


High Provincial Agricultural Technical School of Sassari (Sardinia) (www.iispellegrini.it/) Role in Inno4Grass: training outputs and syllabus dissemination


Bring Advisory Service mountainous agriculture (http://www.bring.bz.it/) Role in Inno4Grass: Identification of innovative farmers, participation in discussion groups, dissemination of best practice


Autonomous Province Bozen – South Tyrol Abt. 22 Agricultural Education (http://www.provinz.bz.it/land-hauswbildung/) Role in Inno4Grass: Participation in discussion groups, dissemination of best practice


The Netherlands

FrieslandCampina (www.frieslandcampina.com) Role in Inno4Grass: Development of a grass-fed dairy product quality label, Identification of innovative farmers, BP dissemination.


Barenbrug Holland BV (www.barenbrug.com) ; Role in Inno4Grass: Best practices dissemination


Groen Kennisnet: The Netherlands Organisation “Green Knowledge Network Livestock” (https://www.groenkennisnet.nl/nl/groenkennisnet.htm) Role in Inno4Grass: Training, best practices dissemination, participatory research, definition of research agenda


The Netherlands Society for Grassland and Fodder Crops (www.nvwv.nl); Role in the project: Best practices dissemination, definition of research agenda


Dutch Dairy Organisation (http://www.nzo.nl/en) Role in Inno4Grass: Identification of innovative farmers, best practices dissemination, evaluation of champion grassland farmers


The farmers’ association Southern Agricultural and Horticultural Organisation (ZLTO) (www.zlto.nl/english): Role in Inno4Grass: identification of innovative farmers, best practices dissemination, sustainable productivity of grasslands and economic performance of their farmers


Limburgse Land- en Tuinbouwbond, (LLTB) (Representatives of the dairy farmers in the Province Limburg in the Netherlands) (www.lltb.nl) Role in Inno4Grass: Identification of innovative farmers, best practices dissemination


Stichting Weidegang (Dutch Grazing Foundation) (www.stichtingweidegang.nl) Role in Inno4Grass: Identification of innovative farmers, best practices dissemination, training,

development of a grass-fed dairy product quality label



The Polish Federation of Cattle Breeders and Dairy Farmers (www.pfhb.pl) Role in Inno4Grass: Identification of innovative farmers, BP dissemination, training outputs


The Polish Grassland Society (www.up.poznan.pl/ptl/) Role in Inno4Grass: Identification of innovative farmers, BP dissemination, innovation boost, research agenda


The Polish Seed Trade Association (www.pin.org.pl) Role in Inno4Grass: Best practice dissemination for an improvement of sustainable productivity of grasslands, based upon improved varieties of grasses and legumes as well as seed mixtures


Marshal Office of the Wielkopolska Region in Poznan (www.umww.pl) Role in Inno4Grass:  Training outputs, BP dissemination, innovation boost


Center of Agricultural Advisory in Brwinow (www.cdr.gov.pl) Role in Inno4Grass:  Best practice dissemination, training of advisors and farmers



The Swedish Organic Farmers Association (www.ekolantbruk.se) Role in Inno4Grass: Sustainable productivity of grasslands and economic performance of their organic farmers, identification of innovative farmers, BP dissemination


The Federation of Swedish Farmers (www.lrf.se/om-lrf/in-english/ ) Role in Inno4Grass: Sustainable productivity of grasslands and economic performance of their farmers, definition of research agenda


Hushållningssällskapens förbund (www.hushallningssallskapet.se/in-english/ ) Role in Inno4Grass: Identification of innovative farmers, BP and knowledge dissemination, training


The Lovang Lantbrukskonsult AB (www.lovanggruppen.se/lantbrukskonsult-start/) Role in Inno4Grass: Identification of innovative farmers, BP and knowledge dissemination, training


Växa Sverige (www.vxa.se/Documents/A5_Broschyr_On_our_way_engelsk.pdf ) Role in Inno4Grass: Identification of innovative farmers, BP and knowledge dissemination, training outputs, evaluation of champion grassland farmers



The European Grassland Federation (www.europeangrassland.org) Role in Inno4Grass: EU-wide dissemination of knowledge, research agenda


COPA COGECA (http://www.copa-cogeca.be) Role in Inno4Grass: EU-wide dissemination of knowledge, research agenda, linking the project to other projects and initiatives


European Forum For Agricultural and Rural Advisory Services (EUFRAS) (http://www.eufras.eu) Role in Inno4Grass: Dissemination, training of farmers and BP disseminationPartners