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Task 6.1 Creation of a Project Website (M1-M6)
Task-lead: WIR in collaboration with GLZ, Teagasc, WLR, APCA, TRAME & CNR

A website will be established and maintained providing information and results related to the Inno4Grass project for internal (consortium) and external community purposes. The website will contain an open access part with general information about the project and its related matters providing information for all kinds of stakeholders (such as farmers, advisors, citizens, scientists, public authorities at regional, national and international level). Moreover it will have a restricted part (partner collaborative space) for storage and exchange of consortium internal (confidential) documents not to be disclosed to the public. This collaborative space will only be accessible by partners and facilitators and will allow the communication and sharing of documents, information and opinions. The website will be available in English. A first draft of the website-layout will be made by GLZ to the partners who will comment and validate it. The website will at least provide public project information:

  • Project Overview: Introduction, Project Objectives, Partners, Timetable.
  • Project progress: Information about progress in the field, Publications.
  • News and events 

Moreover it will provide a link to the Information Management System (IMS) (WP4). A hosting plan will be purchased for five years, ensuring the sustainability of the platform after the project term. A domain name will be booked (preferably www.Inno4Grass.eu). Statistics surveys will be produced to analyse the number of visitors, of members, of clicks per section, etc. This will allow partners to locate the centres of interests of the visitors and to adjust the website content to these interests. The website is expected to be online at M6. Filling the site with content will be performed during the complete project term by all partners under the overall responsibility of GLZ. Furthermore, newsletters towards European stakeholders will be published every six months to report the main developments achieved through the project. They will be compiled by GLZ with support of the project consortium.

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