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Task 6.2 Creating Facilitator Agents Resources (M1-M36)
Task-lead: GLZ in collaboration with Teagasc, WLR, RHEA, IDELE, APCA, LWK, AWE, AERES, SLU, LTO, CNR, PULS, WIR, SV & LRC

Inno4Grass will create a network of 16 Facilitator Agents (2 per country). The core mission of Facilitator Agents (FAs) within the Inno4Grass project is

  • to support in interconnecting the farming and practice community, industry, researchers and all other stakeholders and to enhance communication and adoption of innovations and to seek for hands-on solutions for the farming community with special emphasis on win-win relations,
  • to act as a starting group for consolidating knowledge through moderated electronic discussion groups (Task 2.4) open
  • to all stakeholders and in doing so to trigger fruitful discussions stimulating the further participation of stakeholders (especially the practice community),
  • to link the discussion groups and their main outcomes within the participating member states (MS) (task 3.4) and especially across the MS borders and hence to facilitate innovation transfer and
  • to act as brokers between the science and practice communities thus shortening the impact pathways from science community to hands-on innovation needs.

associated with document Ref. Ares(2016)5554549 - 26/09/2016

Inno4Grass Facilitator Agents (FAs) will basically be supplied by the staff of the participating organisations. The results of task 3.1 (Analysis of brokering systems related to grasslands) and task 3.2 (Identifying and analysing drivers and barriers for innovation) will constitute the starting point for a corporate guidance and summary of methods for their work. Their personal skills will be improved within the Inno4Grass network e.g. through exchange programs (task 5.3), through exchange of experiences within the 6 GPA –meetings (task 1.1) and through bilateral or intermediate exchanges of experiences by phone, skype or any other telecommunication means. All these methods will basically target towards the goal that Inno4Grass FAs will evolve from pure “transmitters of information” to real multi-actor integrators of knowledge and knowledge-sharing for boosting innovation. The partner organisations each providing one Facilitator Agent can be derived from the table on page 25 of Part B.

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