Task 3.5 Developing a demand-driven research agenda for increased productivity and sustainability for European Productive Grasslands (M12 – M36)
Task-lead: TRAME in collaboration with GLZ, Teagasc, WLR, RHEA, IDELE, LWK, UGOE, INRA, AWE, SLU, LTO, CNR, PULS & WIR

The work of the previous tasks will demonstrate current knowledge gaps for grasslands. Task 3.5 will set up a research agenda to address these gaps. The demands from practice will be leading for this research agenda. The aim is to generate a targeted and shared research agenda for innovation-driven research and multi-actor projects for grasslands. By including all relevant stakeholders in setting up a research agenda, the final research agenda will be better targeted towards the needs in practice. This task will use the results of the EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Permanent Grasslands, which consisted of representatives from practice and research, as a starting point. Results of the Focus Group will become publicly available sometime in 2016. During each annual meeting of Inno4Grass the research agenda will be updated by including the results of Inno4Grass and other relevant developments in the agenda. This leads to a continuously updated agenda that can be used in the different European countries by public and private bodies that fund research and by the EU.

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