Task 6.3 Public engagement and project widening: Linking Inno4Grass to relevant EU-projects, other networks and existing EIP-AGRI initiatives (M1-M36)
Task-lead: GLZ in collaboration with all partners

Promoting the network by linking it to existing structures and widening the network by identifying new active nodes will be crucial for the efficiency and the effectiveness of the network and provide an important basis to carry the network forward beyond the project term. This task will undertake all efforts to promote the network and to create support for its ideas and objectives. GLZ will be responsible for developing communication materials such as logo, presentation, corporate front page of documents, and for developing a communication plan. Apart from presenting the network on existing events, all partners will actively promote the network in their personal environment. In addition a set of public relation / marketing material will be designed (flyers) and widely distributed via all consortium partners explaining the project goals and main contents to the public. GLZ, supported by all partners, will undertake all efforts to link Inno4Grass throughout the project term to all existing and upcoming initiatives concerned to the project context. Relevant projects identified by the consortium will be centrally inventoried in GLZ and continuously updated. Specific attention will be given to the monitoring and linking to Operational Groups that are currently being set up in various Member States. A close link with the EIP-AGRI Facility Unit will be established to support the efficiency in linking to relevant initiatives in other EU-countries not yet covered by the consortium.

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