Task 5.4 Inno4Grass Award (M3-M22)
Task-lead: SLU in collaboration with GLZ, Teagasc, IDELE, APCA, LWK, UGOE, TRAME, AWE, LTO, CNR, PULS, WIR, SV & AIA

The main objective is to highlight and boost economically, socially and environmentally friendly sustainable grassland farmers as good examples for the farming community. Another objective is to strengthen the links between different actors in the innovation chain, a win-win concept for farmers, advisors, researchers and journalists. This includes identifying innovative grassland dairy, beef or sheep farmers who manage to keep a high and consistent quality of forage/grazing in line with their strategies and goals with the production and achieve a high level of economic and environmental performances. Eight innovative grassland farmers from eight different countries will be identified and celebrated in a common Inno4Grass ceremony during the second GPA meeting (M22). They will be selected from the interviews and case studies with selected innovative farmers being conducted in WP 2 Tasks 2.1-2.3. The awarded grassland farmers will have light-house roles in the project and serving as orientation for other farmers for seeing in practice that new methods/ideas/approaches really can work or are in practice.

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