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Contact Person:

 Christian Huygh e.jpg

Dr. Christian Huyghe
Deputy Sciencfic Director Agriculture

Le Chene RD 150 CS80006
86600 Lusignan

Phone: +33549556136
Phone (2): +33676729230
E-Mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The objective of this work package is to set an IMS (Information Management System). This requires

  • to set an adapted infrastructure of the Information System, that makes it possible to gather all the data and information collected in WPs 2 and 3,
  • to consolidate information on innovation grassland production systems through adapted technologies,
  • to make it available (for WP5) for a large audience among farmers, rural advisors and actors of the brokering systems considering all the languages of countries involved in the consortium and
  • to enrich the EIP service point with more than 100 (innovation) practice abstracts and associated materials.

Specific goals will be

  • to define the precise data to be collected in the farm survey and the analysis of the case studies,
  • to implement the adequate design for cognitive mapping making it possible to document innovative systems of practices,
  • to implement the new pieces of knowledge and new resources into existing resources and especially the Wiki-based system, Encyclopedia pratensis, developed during the Multisward project which was awarded an EU recognition in 2014,
  • to develop new decision support systems including the most innovative knowledge-based practices and
  • to share the innovative resources with all national Wikimedia and websites and farming communities.